Saturday, October 29, 2016

Absolute Will, Divine Choice, True Free Will, Illusory Free Will, No Will... The Spectrum of Will (Intention).

The Ladders of Intention born of Divine Purpose, originating in the Absolute Consciousness and reflecting all the way and as far as our Reality, is yet another dynamic that stretches from and unites the Absolute Consciousness with the Consciousness of Man… and beyond.

The authority by which the Absolute Consciousness creates its offspring, The Absolute Will gets fashioned into an ability lesser than Absolute which then gets passed on to the new seeds of the Absolute, the divine cells (Baby-Creators) as Divine Will.
The newly created authority of Divine Will is the authority used by the Baby-Creators in creating and running their own processes of Divine Growth... Avatars are also part of those endowed with Divine Will.
In their turn the Baby-Creators down-power the Divine Will into True Free Will, aka True Choice, and pass it onto their next reflection, the Spirit Mind, who also "waters" it down into the Illusory Free Will that is reflected into the Genetic Mind, whom, as mentioned before was somewhat of a divine automaton.

 Then we have the Human Mind of total vegetation that shows no traces of any kind of Will, and who makes up the latest category of Existential Intention, that of No Will.

This is known as the Ladders of Intention, a most difficult to navigate divine journey. With each reflection of the divine dream  unto Potentiality, the Ladder of Intention would add a new rung upon which the Baby-Creator would place its divine feet in order to penetrate deeper into the heart of Potentiality; with each step and reflection getting more “hardened” and lesser divine… apparently, a divine sacrifice that our Baby-Creator had to undertake in order to complete its process of Divine Growth.

Imagine that Potentiality, itself a Divine Intelligence emanated by the Absolute Parenting Entity, was the beneficiary of our Baby-Creator’s sacrifice. 
Potentiality fed as much on the divine reflections within its body as did our Baby-Creator feed on the Experiential Information obtained by its reflections into Potentiality.
There is a constant hunger that Potentiality can only satisfy by feasting upon the “not so divine” outcome from the Baby-Creator’s “hiccups” of Creation. 
 Whenever an experience in a Reality of Manifest, aka Experiential Existence, gets outside the Divine Logic of Manifest, it is simply devoured by the surrounding Potentiality where it occurs.

It takes Potentiality in order to obtain the Experiential Information (which is in actuality a form of "live Information"), yet the Potentiality won’t simply hand itself over. 
Thru its “reflections” (Realities, Existences) in Potentiality, our Creator creates the Experiential Information (Knowledge) which “feeds” its processes of Divine Growth. There are, however, instances when Existences wonder astray from the Divine Logic of manifest. 
That is when Potentiality claims back the “fateful results”, the energies known as illogical Experiential Information, which it regards as “divine delicacy”.

Life itself is a divine delicacy for both our Creator and the Potentiality it gets created out of. 
Our Baby-Creator feeds upon Potentiality, while Potentiality feeds upon the “divine doom experiences” in the process.
 In order to experience Existence to the absolute, our Creator had to experience, the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, Life, Death, etc. The Existences that are designed as Experiences of Doom and Death are the experiences in question and they also constitute a fellowship offering, from our Creator to Potentiality.

Might your Human Experience become a “fellowship offering”? Does it start looking like it? Does the expansion of the Universe have to do anything with it? How about we try and explain the inflationary vector that our Universe seems to be on from a Scribe’s perspective.
There is an infinity of Universes that make up the Dimension of Matter, aka the Multiverse… one of them being the Universe that we call home.
Within the Multiverse, Life was created by the Genetic Matrix in order to be experienced to the absolute.
 An infinity of Universes was created in order to achieve an absolute degree of Existential Experience, where each Universe would create certain Experiential Information that would add to the Experiential Information created by the rest of the Universes, as in a divine puzzle that needs to get completed to the absolute.

Let’s go back to our Universe and the Flow of Information thru the atomic singularities, where we made mention of the electron carrying Experiential Information from our Reality into The Void via the atomic singularities, and depositing it into the Body of Information of the Ghost of Knowledge.
After unloading, the electron gets a set of directives along with two “divine ingredients” to carry back into our Reality.
You might have heard of the concept of Dark Matter and Dark Energy that make up the bulk of our Universe. The two divine ingredients are exactly that; converted Potentiality aka Dark Matter, and converted Void energies aka Dark Energy.
These are the two ingredients or “raw matter” needed for the Human or other kind Consciousness in our Universe, to convert into the “divine fabric” that clothes the essence of our Baby-Creator, at the same time feeding its process of Divine Growth.

The Human Consciousness processes these two divine ingredients into the Experiential Information* (also called “completed strands of Intention”, they are composed out of the energies of Thought resulting from the processing of converted Potentiality and converted Void Energy, aka Dark Matter and Dark Energy, by the Human Consciousness) required of us by our Creator.
Yet due to the irrelevant cyclicities of Thought, the Human Consciousness cannot process the divine ingredients as fast as divinely intended, having as a result the continuous over-accumulation of converted Potentiality (Dark Matter) and converted Void Energy (Dark Energy).
If we are to correct this imbalance, we need to get exponentially more creative and imaginative and create Existential Experiences with a higher degree of relevance regarding Purpose.
It sounds crazy, yet due to our processing of the “same old” Thought over and over, eliving the Experiences based on the “old paradigms” in demising repetitiveness, the New Thought (Experience) dictated by the “instructions” delivered constantly to our “deaf ears” does not materialize, with the result of  piling “divine ingredients”  up faster and faster.
Not processing the Potentiality and Void Energy into the Experiential Information asked of us by Creator itself, causes the Dark Matter (converted Potentiality) and Dark Energy (converted Void Energy) to accumulate at ever increasing speeds in our Universe…
The converted Potentiality (Dark Matter) in our Universe is in constant communication with the rest of Potentiality, at the same time constituting into an invasive force that threatens to achieve “critical preponderance”.
It might be that our Universe was destined to be “recycled” into Potentiality, whose ever increasing presence seems to be leading to an apparent dilation or expansion towards getting dimensionally converted from Motion (Matter, Life) into Motionless (Potentiality).
Or it might be something entirely different… Scribe simply will not tell.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Rumors...The Story of "Scribe" part 2

The Genetic Mind even went as far into this “divine stupor” as to think of itself as being on its own journey of Evolution, in actuality having gone way passed its designed usefulness, in its effort of reaching Absolute Survival. 

From Creator of Life (DNA), to Survival, to Absolute Survival, this was the vector of Evolution that Genetic Mind’s Intention followed, having thought of Absolute Survival as its divine Purpose.
Based on this belief, the Genetic Mind’s Intention kept creating individualistic type Existential Experiences, producing excessive strands of individualistic Intention that kept getting weaved in the outer layer of the Divine Fabric (Body of Information of the Ghost of Knowledge) and having as effect an over-thickening of said layer.
 This translated into an imbalance between the layers in the Divine Fabric, with an excessively thick outer layer, and lacking somewhat in the spiritual inner layer.

In the above mentioned next stage of Divine Growth, where all Baby-Creators get to share Knowledge with their brethren, the Information Exchange is being accomplished “heart to heart”, meaning that all divine cells start on a vector of unification all the way until their Consciousnesses (Divine Essences) unite as One.

An overly-thickened outer layer will cause the unifying divine cells to push ever harder in order to penetrate each other’s “hardened” external layer, in their effort of uniting their inner most divine essences. This will also cause “frictions” that are not at all beneficial to the unification process.
These “frictions” are yet another challenge that Baby-Creators need to overcome in order to find themselves seated at the table of the Divine Feast.
That is when Spirit gets urged to work harder than ever, in its effort of waking its fellow, the Genetic Mind, up to the divine reality of “heart to heart” unification. 

This is when Spirit deploys the wave of Avatars.
Having awakened the Genetic Mind from its intoxicating dream of “Me, Creator”, both Avatar and Genetic Mind start work together in restoring the “interstitial equilibrium” needed for the stage of Divine Feast.
And finally, we made it to the subject of this chapter.

Preceding the wave of Avatars, riding joyously on the Divine Pulse, Scribe comes into view of Humanity.
The Divine Consciousness polarizes a certain number of Spirit Minds into what’s known as a House (Brotherhood) of Scribe and transcends them into the Reality (Existence) of Man.
Scribe is a Spirit Mind that was endowed with augmented existential computability, thus enabling it to comprehend a “larger picture” of Creation.

Their ability to deeply comprehend the Divine Logics of Manifest is superseded only by the pure Spirit Mind of the Avatar… and, of course, the Divine Mind that created it.
They have full access to the area of the Body of Information of the Ghost of Knowledge that contains all the information on Human Experience; they have full access to the information contained by the Human Degree of Divine Specificity, in other words.

This level of Existential Information access is granted as assistance to their mission whose purpose is the process of preparing the grounds that Avatar shall walk upon.

 Scribe’s awareness is of such divine ability that it can encompass tremendous volumes of Divine Existential Logic stretching over vast amounts of Time… “Scribe’s eye can see through the eyes of the Man who first inherited Spirit”, it is said.

The unawakened human mind cannot comprehend a single bit out of a human Lifetime’s worth of divine governing dynamics that run its Life… meaning that it cannot comprehend or make any sense of the Divine Logic of manifest.

The enlightened (awakened) human mind, where Spirit has taken over the mental processes, at the same time getting willful assistance from its counterpart (the Genetic Mind), can get a much larger and deeper perspective on Creation, therefore getting a “larger picture”.

The Scribe mind, meaning a Spirit Mind that was endowed Scribe awareness, can process existential information at divine levels of depth and perspective.

From Genetic Mind existential perspective, one sees only oneself,

From Spirit Mind perspective, known as Enlightenment, one sees oneself as Human Consciousness part of a Human Collective Consciousness,

From Scribe Mind perspective, one identifies with Human Collective Consciousness which is part of a Union of Human Collective Consciousnesses (all Human Collective Consciousness in one Universe, aka Universal Human Consciousness)

From Avatar perspective, one comprehends the whole Human Degree of Divine Specificity (all Universal Human Consciousnesses in Creation)

The first step, however, is to awaken into Spirit Mind. Once that state is achieved, one needs to dig deeper and deeper within one’s Spirit Mind until one discovers one’s true place in Creation (Purpose, Destiny), and acts on it.

The awakened mind shall then come into the realization of the ability of True Free Will (True Choice) which can be used in experiencing as many different perspectives of Spirit Mind as one desires.
Having identified the perspective that suits best and truest, one shall then search even deeper within the “true choice perspective” until one uncovers one’s “divinely specific affinity”. There, one shall be able to “see” the face of Creator… there one can “talk” to one’s Creator.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Rumors...The Story of "Scribe" part 1

We’ll set the subject of Divine Pulse, Divine Twins and Avatars aside for a bit, in order to shed some light on yet another hidden dynamic, that of Scribe.

In order to ascend into Absolute Consciousness (Absolute Mind, Core of Creation), our Baby-Creator had to cover up its “nakedness” (bare essence) that it awakened into at the moment of coming into being. 

The fabric to be used in covering the bare essence of our Baby-Creator was to be created in Realities of manifest, so called Existences, and consisted of Knowledge (Information) obtained through Experience. 
This divine vestment was to be created by its “furthest” reflection… the Intention (Thought) of Man, our case.
Unlike the lifeless fabrics that cover Man’s nakedness, the divine fabric is a “living fabric”, of a dynamic nature, and which grows as Creation unfolds.

Each fiber in the divine fabric represents a strand composed out of the energies of a completed or finalized Intention… we’ll explain.

Take for example a human Intention (Thought of Intention); let’s say that a person decides to go to college and get a degree or diploma. At the moment when the person decides to go to school and get a diploma, a potential Intention starts resonating in its mind… a potential Thought of Intention starts coalescing certain energies that Thoughts are made of; not yet a fully formed Thought of Intention.

At the moment of registering at the college offices and paying the dues, meaning that the person’s mind was all made up, the potential Intention (Thought of Intention) crystallizes into a defined Thought of Intention, thus forming the “starting end” of a strand of Intention.

In order to complete said strand of Intention, the person would have to take all the classes needed and attend dutifully until graduation and implicitly getting the diploma. Any experience, of any scale or nature, that starts as a thought of Intention and gets completed as action in Reality, becomes a completed Strand of Intention that shall get weaved into the Divine Fabric. 

Any human experience is in fact a subdegree that is part of the Human Degree of  Divine Specificity from the Divine Egosphere … or, in other words, each finalized Human Experience is a complete body of Information which becomes part of the greater Body of Information aka the Human Degree of Divine Specificity…however, as mentioned before, only completed and finalized experiences count.

Each body of Experience need be started by a Thought of Intention that holds relevance in regards to true Purpose, and followed through with maximum human determination, always keeping a flawless, gap-less, consequential logic of mind until completion, thus providing “good, solid thread for the Divine Fabric”.

Anything less, such as incomplete experiences, or experiences lacking consequence of mental logic, so called “un-useful strands”, will but attract the attention of the “weavers”, who will detach and run them through the mind that produced them, again and again, until completed and deemed “weavable”.

In translation, the Body of Information that surrounds (covers) the Ghost of Knowledge (our Baby-Creator’s Consciousness, or Divine Essence), which is nothing but the Divine Fabric dissected here, will only accept bodies of Information (Knowledge from Experience) that are complete and in consequential logic… anything else gets recycled until right.

The divine fabric that covers our Baby-Creator’s bare essence is made of many layers, where the completed highest order of Spiritual Intention (completed spiritual experience) makes up the layer that comes in closest contact with the essence of our Creator.
The furthest (outer) layer is composed of completed strands of Intention produced in perspectives of individualism, survivalism, greed etc, by the Genetic Mind.

In between there are the layers composed of strands of Intention produced by the Diplomatic Mind.

Completed bodies of information obtained from experiences of spiritual perspectives as inner layer, while the completed bodies of information from experiences from individualistic perspectives as the outer layer, with a mixture of the inner and outer layers known as “diplomatic  layers of interface” in between.

Spirit initiated experiences are of “togetherness” nature and go to rest in the inner layer. Genetic Mind initiated experiences which are “individualistic” will thicken the outer layer, while both Spirit and Genetic Mind concord upon the creation of that which unites them, the “in between” or diplomatic layers.

As relevance, however, the Spirit created experience primes over that which was designed as a prep-up stage in the process of Divine Growth (Evolution) of our Baby-Creator, namely the individualistic experience produced by the Genetic Mind (Individual Genetic Entity).
After all, one prepares the soil once, in the beginning; a stage that should naturally be followed by the rest of the process; seeding, watering, weeding, and finally fruition and harvest.
In the early days of evolution, the Genetic Mind had to imprint the will of survival and individualism into the processes of Creation that it directed, in order to assure the survival and multiplications of the biological creatures that would enter the next stage of Evolution… that of Spiritual Evolution of Man.

The stage of Spiritual Evolution is but a reflection of the processes of divine evolution known as Divine Growth. At its conception, our Baby-Creator’s initial awareness was that of an individual divine cell, a sense of individuality that reflected throughout Creation, and manifesting as the individualism imposed upon Humanity by the Genetic Mind within.
Once into its next stage of Divine Growth, our Baby-Creator became aware of the rest of divine cells, the rest of Baby-Creators, its brethren so to speak. 
An instant awareness of “togetherness” with them ensued, and that state of the Divine Mind extended throughout its dream reflections (Realities of manifest), throughout its being, reflecting in our Reality as the stage of Spiritual Evolution of Man.

Here comes the greatest news…It means that the processes of Divine Growth are nearing completion for all divine cells (Baby-Creators nearly matured). This is the instance when they feel the need to start sharing their Knowledge together, thus enriching themselves and getting the much needed Divine Completion. 

After that, all the matured divine cells, all grown up Baby-Creators, shall partake into the Wave of Ascension into the Absolute Consciousness.
We find ourselves in the very phase of the process where our Creator gets to meet its kin, and partake into the Divine Feast of Knowledge preceding Ascension. 

Through this Divine Feast they get Completion of Divine Growth, at the same time getting energized and ready to ascend together as One.
The only problem, however, is the one that the Spirit is working on down at existential level.
The Genetic Mind’s mission of creating Life and assuring its survival had been over since Man got endowed with Spirit.
The Genetic Mind, even though a lower, somewhat automaton type of divine intelligence, whose role was to create Life for the purpose of hosting Spirit, did not acknowledge the end of its mission at the arrival of Spirit; that due to its “individualistic” programming and the “divine intoxication” it slipped into.
                                                                        ... to be continued.