Monday, May 16, 2016

Meet... Khymera!

Time to get into the heavier layers of Existence, one thinks.

All is well, even though nothing seems to be in order... !?

While at a fateful crossroad in its unfolding Experience, Humanity is being pushed in a direction some might consider "diabolical", some might consider it "destiny", while the vast majority won't even spare a single neural spark in pondering upon it.

Truth be told, Humanity is slowly having its godliest abilities (Imagination, Intuition, Creativity, Inspiration) diminished, at the same time getting divorced from the true Reality... add to that the newly fabricated, synthetic Time and you might get a general idea of what the status quo really is.

"With each arrival under the Cross of Time (rising into the Galactic Equator), a New Legion of Giants awakens, which then take the plunge into the Great Ocean (Gene Pool), on their mission to right the wrongs and place Growth (Human Evolution, likes and non-likes) back on the right track. By the time the New Day  (galactic cycle) gets half spent, the Giants fall back asleep, leaving the Young (Human Minds) the task of taking over and continuing the Journey of Growth as co-Creators.
At the same time, alongside the Young the terrible Child rears its head..."  rough translation from Scribum-Danubianus "Fire Scroll".

Enter Khymera, the terrible Child... from the depths of the noetic layer known as "Fear" it emerges, all a grin, surrounding its creator, the Human Mind, tighter and tighter from all sides... all it wants is Survival.

A creation of the Human Collective Mind, Khymera, a proto-noetic being, our unknown progeny, a single Mind (Intelligent Body of Noetic Energy) that sums up the human emotions perceived as negative, dark etc... has been growing up alongside Humanity... it will do everything within its ability to delay the awakening Legion...       more to come.

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