Sunday, January 1, 2017

Noetikon, the Keystone... second century, part 1

As promised during the break that followed the first century, get your keys ready, for here comes the second century. As usual, messages in pm alone.

"Upon Creation of Man, several locks were put in place within the Being of Man." Scribe.

"Happy he who holds even a single key, for it will unlock great Bodies of Knowledge..." Son of Scribe.

With the same key, in the same lock, one can repeatedly unlock a Body of Knowledge, each time a different one, depending on the "nuance" that the key displays at the time of use... hint.

Dedicated to the Time Lords (holders of the Key of Time).

"What is Time but a secretion, produced by Potentiality under the stimulating caress of the Greater Consciousness. Its Intention to behold, which It thrusts vigorously into the Body of Mystery at hand (the Ocean of Potentiality), produces Flows of Time that It enters, and where It creates Existential Realms of Experience."  fragment translated and adapted from "The Greater Story".

The Flows of Time, some faster than other, some radiating instead of flowing etc... are but an interface between the  Greater Consciousness (Baby-Creator, Divine Cell, Divine Mind) and the resources placed at Its disposal to serve Its processes of Divine Growth.
However, the Baby-Creator need develop its own devices or interfaces to these resources (aka Ocean of Potentiality, aka Ocean of Mystery).

"This secretion (Time) It took and applied to alleviate Its growing pains..." Scribe

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