Saturday, April 23, 2016

Guaranteed Enlightenment...... Iluminare garantata

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Source ( Divine Mind, Ample Mind, Creator) does not communicate with its Creation thru language, at least not the kind that human can comprehend. Rather it emits filaments (strands) of Intention, whom in turn create the Realities where likenesses of the Source, in our case the human minds, are supposed to decipher and perpetuate the Source's Intention.

Enlightenment is exactly that: identifying and integrating into the resonance of Source's Intention... which is to deeper penetrate the Mystery inside and/or outside us.

A most classic example: a Man in search for the Woman of his Life should start his search within, where the unknown Woman resides, for there's Woman seeded within the being of each Man and the other way around.
Only after having discovered and communed with Woman/Mystery within his being will Man develop the magnetism that shall attract the destined real Woman in his Life.
At the same time Man shall enter an awakened state of mind, a right resonance that will make him known to the Source.

This is known as an enlightened state of Mind. Once under the Source's focus of attention, the human mind gets energized and reminded of its Destiny, while a permanent communication channel gets opened.

The Man-Woman Mystery is just a quick example, there are in fact a myriad of ways to enter Source's resonance of Intention and they all have to do with Imagination/Intuition/Creativity/Inspiration, using these abilities in mirroring the Source's desire to commune with Mystery-the Source on the other side of the Veil.

One simply needs to find the way that suits best...


Sursa (Mintea Divina, Mintea Ampla, Creatorul) nu comunica cu Creatia sa printr-un limbaj pe care mintea omului il poate intelege.Ea emite filamente de Intentie in adancimile Misterului, care la randul lor creeaza Realitatile unde copii unice si perfecte (fractale) ale Sursei, in cazul nostru mintile umane au datoria de a descifra si a perpetua Intentia Sursei.

Iluminarea este exact acest fapt: identificarea si integrarea in Rezonanta Intentiei Sursei... aceea de a penetra cat mai adanc posibil in Misterul din interiorul si din jurul nostru.

 Cel mai clasic si comun exemplu: un Barbat in cautarea Femeii vietii lui ar trebui sa inceapa cautarea in interiorul (sinea) lui, deoarece exista o bucatica de Femeie/Mister in fiinta fiecarui Barbat si vice-versa, ca o nada imbietoare.
Doar dupa descoperirea si comuniunea cu acea bucatica de Mister/Femeie din interior, Barbatul va developa magnetismul ce va atrage in viata lui Femeia reala menita lui.
Femeia va recunoaste propria ei natura in Barbatul ce ii sta in fata, fapt care va actiona ca un farmec cu destinatie unica si precisa. Astfel Femeia si Barbatul, sau vice-versa, vor avea de la inceput ceva comun care sa-i ajute spre comuniune (unificare).

In acelasi timp, Barbatul va fi creat o stare de trezie mentala, o rezonanta dreapta care il va face cunoscut Sursei drept "minte trezita", primul pas spre Iluminare.

Odata aflat sub focusul atentiei Sursei, mintea umana respectiva va fi energizata si reamintita de Destinul ei, in timp ce un canal permanent de comunicare va fi deschis.

Misterul Barbat-Femeie este doar un mic exemplu, exista de fapt o miriada de feluri de integrare in Rezonanta Intentiei Sursei, toate legate de Imaginatie/Inspiratie/Creativitate/Intuitie, toate avand ca prima directiva dorinta Sursei de a intra in comuniune cu Misterul-Sursa pe cealalta parte a Voalului.

Fiecare minte umana are datoria sfanta de a gasi propriul fel de integrare...

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