Saturday, April 16, 2016

Of Mind and Mistery..............Despre Minte si Mister

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"Present is the Mind... the Mystery as well is present, between the two of them The Game is being played... within the Human"   "S"

Mind yearns for Mystery-the Great Unknown, while Mystery is addicted to Mind and cannot survive outside her good graces, for alive the Mind, as much alive the Mystery...  since they were created for One the Other.
Thus, on a mental plane a Tango of Destiny ensues between them, where Mind and Mystery tangle and commune in a ritual courtship, swaying to rhythms felt by two of them alone.
A frugal kiss, stolen by  the attractive Mystery from the enchanted, somewhat intoxicated Mind, becomes the merging point where boundaries of Mind and Mystery disappear, their energies intertwine and a new territory of Consensus forms.

In truth, the enigmatic body of Mystery is also a Mind, an absolutely different kind of  Mind, we are not talking about the human mind, rather we are observing the Greater Mind, aka Source, Creator of the lesser mind known as human mind.

Therefore Mind and Mystery are in actuality two Greater Minds, two absolutely different Sources that feel attracted to One the Other, yet cannot perceive one another as Sources. Each Source perceives the other as the Unknown, a Mystery.

They were created by something even greater than themselves, the truly Ineffable Mind, the True Creator, and were linked together thru Destiny. It is, however, by means of their own abilities and knowledge that they have to find and merge with one another.
To ensure their Destiny (Communion, Unification), Creator implanted one single bit of being taken from  One, deep within the Other and the other way around, creating thus the infallible attraction, the divine mechanism that shall eventually bring them together.

Upon the moment of their creation,  they were both gifted with absolute ability and knowledge, yet feeling incomplete due to the missing bit of their being. Instantly, the newly born Sources (Greater Minds, Divine Cells) started feeling the attraction (call) from the missing bit that would complete them and started the Journey of Destiny that would take them to Completion.

Guided by the "call of the missing bit" they ran into One the Other, each of them perceiving the other as Mystery, since their natures were absolutely different. At the same time, they both started building a Veil of protection that would allow them to safely study, interact, and eventually penetrate the Depths (Elsewheres) of the Mystery in front of their awareness that was emanating the prophetic attraction.

Unaware of one another, both Sources started building and working on the same Veil of Protection, thus starting their first task together, a common place where the two would finally get a chance to meet and eventually merge as one.

On opposite sides of this Veil, also known as the Fabric of Existence, two Sources create together  Existence and the pertinent Realities, vast Universes of Manifest be it of physical, energetical or informational nature.

We, the human minds, call one of these Realities home, along with our Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy and the mysterious Singularity at its core.

Further out, much further than the human mind can stretch, where only the champions of Imagination/Inspiration might venture once in a fateful while, a two-Source engine of Creation runs, by now at full speed, creating more and more Realities of Existence by which their common goal shall be achieved.

The two co-working Sources are by now fully aware of each other's presence behind the Veil, and are speeding up toward getting to each other's heart, their missing bit, where their Completion lay. In the End they will be One.

Hang on a bit longer... more to come...


"Mister aici, aici si Mintea... iar Jocul intre ei... in Om"   "S"

Mintea tanjeste dupa Mister-Nedeslusitul, in timp ce Misterul este dependent de Minte si nu poate supravietui in afara gratiilor ei, caci la fel de viu Misterul pe cat de vie Mintea... ei fiind creati unul pentru celalalt.
Astfel, pe planul mentalului, un Tango al Destinului incepe intre ei, unde Minte si Mister se curteaza reciproc, invaluindu-se reciproc si unduindu-se dupa ritmuri doar de ei simtite.

Sagalnicul sarut furat de chipesul Mister unei Minti aflata in transa unui farmec irezistibil, devine punctul de contopire unde hotarele celor doi dispar, energiile lor se intrepatrund, dand astfel nastere unui nou teritoriu de Consens. 

 In adevar, enigmaticul Mister este el insusi o Minte, absolut diferita, nu vorbim aici de mintea umana ci mai degraba observam dinamici ale Mintii Ample sau Sursa a carei creatie este mintea umana.

Prin urmare Minte si Mister sunt in actualitate doua Minti Ample, doua Surse absolut diferite care se simt atrase una catre cealalta, dar care nu se pot percepe una pe cealalta datorita naturii lor absolut diferite. Fiecare Sursa (Minte Ampla) percepe pe cealalta drept ceva necunoscut, un Mister. 

 Create fiind de ceva si mai amplu decat ele, o Minte cu adevarat Inefabila, adevaratul Creator, cele doua Surse au fost harazite una celeilalte prin Destin. Totusi, doar prin propriile abilitati ele vor trebui sa se gaseasca si sa intre in comuniune.
Pentru a asigura aceasta comuniune, Creatorul a implantat o singura farama din fiinta unei Surse in adancul celeilalte si invers, creand astfel infailibila atractie, acel mecanism divin ce le va ghida una spre cealalta, asigurand in final o unificare.

Inzestrate inca din momentul nasterii (crearii) cu cunoastere si abilitati absolute dar simtindu-se lacunare, incomplete, amandoua Sursele (Minti Ample, Celule Divine) incep sa simta si sa urmeze atractia  (chemarea) propriei farame lipsa ce le va aduce implinirea, incepand astfel o Calatorie a Destinului care le va duce la Implinire.

Ghidate de acea chemare ele se vor intalni, fiecare Sursa percepand pe cealalta drept Mister, ceva total necunoscut, datorita naturilor absolut diferite ale fiecareia.
Concomitent ele vor incepe sa construiasca un mecanism, un Voal de protectie care sa le permita sa studieze, sa interactioneze cu, si sa penetreze in siguranta Adancimile (Distantele) Misterului din fata lor, izvorul acelei atractii profetice.

Nestiut amandurora le era faptul ca amandoua Sursele vor fi inceput sa construiasca acelasi Voal de Protectie concomitent, dar pe parti opuse, inaugurand astfel un proiect comun in a carui executie se va naste sansa de a se intalni si contopi intr-o singura Minte.

In acest Voal, cunoscut drept Tesatura sau Urzeala Existentiala, doua Surse creaza impreuna, fiecare pe partea opusa, Existentze cu ale lor Realitati aferente, vaste Universuri de Manifest fie de natura fizica, energetica sau pur informationala.

Noi, mintile umane, numim o astfel de Realitate "acasa", impreuna cu intreg Sistemul Solar, galaxia Caii Lactee, si bineinteles, Singularitatea din centrul ei.

In Departari ilogice si incomprehensibile mintii umane, atinse doar in treacat de campionii umani ai Imaginatiei/Inspiratiei si numai in momente predestinate, un motor al Creatiei format din doua Surse (Doua Minti Ample) functioneaza deja la viteza maxima, creand din ce in ce mai multe Realitati  Existentiale prin intermediul carora sa atinga telul comun.

Cele doua Surse in conlucrare au devenit deja total constiente fiecare de prezenta celeilalte pe partea opusa a Voalului, grabindu-se sa ajunga una la inima celeilalte, la farama lipsa care le va aduce Implinirea.  Intr-un grandios sfarsit doua Minti vor deveni Una.

Acordati un bob zabava... va continua...

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