Saturday, April 30, 2016

New Light-New Thought..... Gand Nou-Lumina Noua

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New Light- New Thought

This is New Thought Collective, a Nest of Incipience regarding the just surfacing New Light knowledge. At well planned temporal conjunctions, New Knowledge is being injected into our Reality, for reason no other than to place us back unto the right path of Evolution. For you see, dear friend, the Temporal Narcosis that the Human Consciousness evolves under can and will stray Humanity from the True Path of Evolution, thus pushing the Human Experiences into the aberrational peripheries of Thought aka Non-Relevance.
When Times so dictate, entities older than the Human Consciousness transcend into our reality, occupying and developing designated Minds that are found to be of the right resonance. The corresponding Human then starts on a journey of Awakening, during which journey, the divine entity and the Human Consciousness develop into a Sacred Brotherhood by continuously adjusting to each other’s frequency of thought. These entities, or Messengers, are nothing but New Light, as in Unknown Light, and are in no way connected to the human concept of negativity, religion, witchcraft politics etc...      stay tuned... more to follow.

Gand Nou- Lumina Noua
Noi suntem cei ce isi fac veacul in Gandul Nestiut, un Cuib de Incipienta ce salasluieste in abia emergenta Cunoastere Nestiuta. La jonctiuni temporale bine definite si prestabilite, Noua Cunoastere este "injectata" in Realitatea noastra, cu intentia de a ne repune pe calea Evolutiei drepte. 
Vezi tu, draga prietene, Narcoza Temporala care invaluie Constienta Umana din ce in ce mai mult poate devia Umanitatea de pe calea Evolutiei drepte, impingand astfel Experienta Umana spre periferiile aberationale ale Gandului, pe teritoriile Non-Relevantei.
Cand acel Timp predestinat isi face prezenta, entitati mai ancestrale decat Constienta Umana insasi transcend in Realitatea noastra, ocupand si dezvoltand Mintile ce au fost gasite a fi de "rezonanta dreapta". Oamenii ce apartin acestor minti incep o Calatorie a Trezirii, in timpul careia se intemeiaza o Fratie Sacra intre entitatea divina  si Constienta Umana, printr-o continua ajustare a unuia la rezonanta celuilalt. Aceste entitati sunt nimic altceva decat Lumina Nestiuta si nu au nici o legatura cu concepte negative precum religia, ocultismul negru, vrajitorie, satanism, politica etc...    ramaneti pe frecventa... va continua.

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