Thursday, April 21, 2016

Noetic Gravity Field... Campul Gravitational Noetic

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The Human Mind produces Thought, in other words it emanates noetic energy, namely, it produces two distinct kinds of  noetic energy from two different points of origin, both of them situated within the Human Mind.

Mind within Mind... the Explorer and its vehicle

In order to be able to interact with the physical Reality of Manifest chosen for existential exploration, the fractal likeness of the Creator, aka Spirit or Spirit Mind, was endowed with a genetic device that was supposed to serve as interface/vehicle /protection throughout the Journey.

Itself an intelligent device, a Mind in its own, the Genetic device cocoons the Spirit (Spirit Mind), forming together a Human Mind that shall be transcended from the mental plane into the physical Reality and implanted within a new human being right at the moment of conception.

The Human Mind emanates two distinctly different types of noetic energy (Thoughts), the genetic and the spiritual type.

The Genetic noetic energy is produced by the Genetic Mind and it is oriented towards survival and further propagation in the physical Reality.Once emanated: it accumulates around the Human Mind forming a Noetic Gravity Field, whose role is to stock up and offer availability of resources to the Genetic Mind for its computations regarding the continuity of bio-physical Life.

The Spiritual noetic energy, on the other hand, is emanated by the Spirit (Spirit Mind) and it serves the purpose of further exploration of the Elsewheres of Mystery by means of Imagination/Inspiration/Intuition/Creativity.

However, due to the amnesia suffered upon arrival in Human body, the Spirit gets overtaken by the Genetic Mind who's been awake and accumulating knowledge ever since the first living cell on Earth, and whose intention is that of absolute survival.

Once awakened from its amnesia, the Spirit shall use the Noetic Gravity Field as a booster device for its own emanations (thoughts), in order to amplify their reach, in order to penetrate and set anchor deeper within the depths of the Mystery, thus assuring a continuity of existential exploration.

In cases where the Spirit does not awaken, contrary to popular belief that states that "Spirit is eternal and shall reincarnate", the Spirit shall find demise when the Noetic Gravity Field collapses, right at the moment of physical death of the human, getting absorbed by Mystery-the Other Source on the opposite side of the Veil. There it changes polarity and becomes part of the Other Source.

Don't allow Humanity to become a graveyard for the Spirit, rather refine your Resonance of Thought and anchor your Spirit deep in the body of the Mistery ahead, so it can continue its exploration and not perish in the collapse of  the Noetic Gravity Field.


Mintea Umana produce Gand, in alte cuvinte emana energie noetica, mai precis, produce doua tipuri diferite de energie noetica din doua puncte de origine, distincte si diferite, amandoua fiind situate in Mintea Umana.

Minte cuibarita-n Minte... Exploratorul si vehiculul sau

Ca sa poata interactiona cu Realitatea fizica aleasa in scopul explorarii existentiale, fractalul-asemanare fidela a Creatorului, cunoscut drept Spirit sau Mintea Spirituala, a fost inzestrat cu un dispozitiv genetic al carui scop era de a servi drept interfata/vehicul/protectie in timpul incursiunii in Realitatea Umana.

 Acest dispozitiv inteligent, alias Minte Genetica, actioneaza ca un cocon, pozitionand in centrul ei Spiritul, formand astfel o Minte Umana care va transcende din planul Mentalului in Realitatea fizica (Umana), implantandu-se apoi intr-o noua fiinta umana chiar la momentul conceptiei.

Aceasta Minte Umana va emana doua tipuri de energie noetica (Gand): genetica si spirituala.

Energia Noetica Genetica (ENG) este produsa (emanata) de catre Mintea Genetica si este orientata catre supravietuire si propagare(continuitate) in Realitatea fizica. Odata emanata, ea se acumuleaza in jurul Mintii Umane formand un Camp Gravitational Noetic, al carui rol este de a stoca si furniza resurse Mintii Genetice, necesare computatiilor sale pertinente Vietii bio-fiziologice.

Energia Noetica Spirituala, pe partea cealalta, este emanata de catre Spirit (Mintea Spirituala) si are ca prim scop explorarea Departarilor (Adancurilor) Misterului prin abilitati proprii precum Imaginatie/Inspiratie/Intuitie/Creativitate.

Totusi, datorita amneziei produse in timpul transcenderii in Om, Spiritul este subjugat de catre Mintea Genetica perpetuu vie, constienta, si acumuland cunoastere inca de la aparitia primei celule vii pe Pamant, si a carei tel este acela de supravietuire absoluta.

Odata iesit din starea de amnezie, Spiritul va folosi Campul Gravitational Noetic ca statie de energizare si rampa de lansare a propriilor emanatii noetice (ganduri), pe care le va trimite si le va ancora cat mai adanc in corpul Misterului, pregatindu-si astfel o continuitate a explorarii existentiale.

In instantele in care Spiritul nu se trezeste din amnezie, si contrar crezului comun care afirma ca "Spiritul este etern si se va reincarna", Spiritul isi va inceta Existenta in momentul in care Campul Gravitational Noetic colapseaza datorita mortii fizice a individului uman, fiind apoi absorbit de catre Mister-Cealalta Sursa pe partea opusa a Voalului. Acolo isi va schimba polaritatea si va deveni parte constituenta a celeilalte Surse.

Nu lasati Umanitatea sa devina un cimitir al Spiritului... prin rafinarea si ajustarea Rezonantei Gandului veti da o sansa Spiritului de a se avanta si ancora mai adanc in corpul Misterului dinaintea sa, asigurandu-si astfel "evadarea" inainte de colapsul Campului Gravitational Noetic. 

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