Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The "Elsewheres of Mistery"... Departarile Misterului

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There isn't any one person that hasn't at least once asked him/herself the question "Who/what am I?"

My name is John/Jane Smith, I am the son/daughter of my parents, I live in whatever city, and I hold a job of so and such... this might be the typical answer, and it is correct yet incomplete.

Truth is that our Reality that we comprehend by mentally computing the sum of impulses from our five senses is only an apparent Reality... and it is an infinitesimal part of our true Existence.

Connected to the apparent Reality that we know and love there is "The rest of Reality (Existence)". It is the rest of what's known as Creation and it is mind boggling in its amplitude, seeming infinite to the human perception. We are also present then and there, in the "Elsewheres of Existence", yet not in a physical way.

Each of us is in fact an explorer, a non-physical Noetic Intelligence wearing a genetic bio-physical suit called Human, sent out into the "Elsewheres of Mistery" by the Source that we sprung out of, on a mission of absolute uniqueness.
The Source, or Parent, is itself a non-physical entity, a Mind of nearly absolute ability and knowledge, and each of us, each human mind, was created as a unique and perfect copy, a fractal of the Source so to speak, who was then sent out to explore the Distances where the much sought after Mystery lay.

You are not only "here and now"...

There is therefore Mind (Source, Parent) and there is the surrounding Mystery whom  fractal (lesser, human) minds were created for, to explore and interface with. Or as the Scribe coins it: "The One and the One around." 
                                                                                                           ... more to follow.


Nu cred ca exista vreo persoana care sa nu se fi intrebat vreodata "Cine/ce sunt eu?"

Ma cheama Ion/Ioana Icsulescu, sunt fiul/fiica mamei si a tatalui meu, traiesc in orasul D...., si am un job oarecare... asta ar putea fi raspunsul tipic, ceea ce este corect dar incomplet.

Adevarul este ca Realitatea noastra, pe care o intelegem computand mental suma impulsurilor senzoriale primit de la cele cinci simturi, este doar o Realitate aparenta... si este doar o parte infinitezimala din adevarata noastra Existenta.

Aceasta Realitate aparenta pe care o cunoastem atat de bine si in care ne simtim cel mai comfortabil, este de fapt conectata la "Restul Existentei". Este restul la ceea ce este cunoscut drept Creatie, si este inimaginabil de ampla si profunda, parand infinita din perspectiva mintii umane.
Noi suntem deasemenea prezenti "acolo si atunci", in aceste ciudate Departari Existentiale, dar nu in forma fizica.

Fiecare dintre noi este de fapt un explorator, o Inteligentza Noetica non-fizica intr-un costum bio-fiziologic genetic numit "corp uman", trimisi in Departarile Misterului de catre Sursa (Parentalul) din care ne-am propagat, fiecare dintre noi cu misiune unica.

Sursa, sau Parentalul(Entitatea Parentala), este in sine o entitate non-fizica, o Minte cu abilitate si cunoastere aproape absolute, fiecare dintre noi, fiecare minte umana fiind creata ca o copie unica si perfecta a ei, un fractal al Sursei, pentru a fi trimis sa exploreze Departarile in care se afla mult cautatul Mister.

 Tu nu existi doar "aici si acum"...

Exista deci Minte (Sursa, Parentalul)  si Misterul inconjurator, sau dupa cum afirma "Scribum"  "Acela si Acel din jur.", pentru a carui explorare si interfata au fost create mintile umane (fractale ale Sursei)... noi.
                                                                                                     ... va urma.

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