Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Crucial Times.....................Momentul Crucial

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Most likely you've heard the expression "We are living Crucial Times" countless times before , however, the true sense that it carries need be dug out from the unfathomable depths where all Great Truth (Information) lay buried out of reason not so easily comprehended by the human mind.

 Cel mai probabil ați auzit expresia "Trăim un Moment Crucial" de nenumărate ori, cu toate acestea, adevăratul sens al acestei expresii trebuie scos din adâncurile insondabile  în care toate Marile Adevăruri (Informații) zac îngropate din motive nu atât de ușor înțelese de mintea umană.

                      Foto: Galactic Equator and our Solar System's and implicitly our Earth's trajectory.
                         RO: Ecuatorul Galactic, traiectoria Sistemului Solar si implicit a Pamantului.

                                                       Foto: The astronomical "Cross of Time" chart

 Crucial Times are blocks of time that our Humanity spends in the Cross of Time, more precisely, we spend 36 years on the galactic equator each 13000 years more or less, either ascending into or descending out of it. These are the times where fantastic New Change is being implemented, while New Intelligent Energy graces our Existence.

Everything in our culture and history carries this hidden message "Heads up for Crucial Times, be prepared to welcome them right." The symbols of the Cross, for example, be it from a cave mural 26000 years old, or the cross upon which Jesus was crucified, or the Celtic cross, along with the countless cross symbols from different other spiritual practices and traditions; behind the presented meaning they all carry the same message... you guessed it: Crucial Times.

The current Crucial Times cycle started at the end of 1980 when our solar system ascended into the Galactic Equator, where it will have spent the following 36 years, ending its stay in 2016, some eight months from now, all this time bathing in the New Energy emanated by the Singularity, which then accumulates unto the Galactic Equator.

RO:  Momentele Cruciale sunt blocuri de timp pe care Umanitatea le petrece sub Crucea Timpului, mai precis, noi petrecem 36 de ani pe Equatorul Galactic la fiecare cca 13000 de ani, fie dupa ce ascendem spre sau inainte de a descinde din el. Acestea sunt timpuri cand fantastice Noi Schimbari sunt implementate, in timp ce  Energie Inteligenta Noua ne binecuvanteaza Existenta.

Absolut totul in istoria si cultura comuna a Umanitatii contine mesajul ascuns : "Atentie la Momentul Crucial, fiti pregatiti pentru el".
Simbolurile cruciforme , spre exemplu, fie din desene murale vechi de 26000 de ani, fie crucea pe care a fost rastignit Iisus sau crucea celtica, impreuna cu nenumaratele simboluri ale crucii din toate celelalte practici si traditii spirituale ale lumii, toate cara acelasi mesaj ascuns...ati ghicit, "Momentul Crucial".

Momentul Crucial curent a inceput la sfarsitul anului 1980, cand sistemul nostru solar s-a ridicat in Ecuatorul Galactic, unde va fi petrecut 36 de ani, iesind din el, in ascendenta, la sfarsitul anului 2016, in tot acel timp scaldandu-se in Noua Energie acumulata in Ecuatorul Galactic, provenita din Singularitatea aflata in centrul galactic.

During this time, marvelous things start happening: Springs of Pure Information start appearing everywhere, Genetic Renewal and Re-programming starts taking place, New Spiritual Horizons come into clear definition, in one word Re-Birth of the Human Existence.

These times are also known as the Effervescence of Destiny, and are mentioned in many obscure and long forgotten bodies of Knowledge such as "Scribum Danubianus" that states: "Within the Effervescence of Destiny, 36 new Pillars of the World shall get erected..."
The same 36 new Pillars of the World are mentioned also in the mystical Judaism as "Lamed-Vav-Tzadikhim", the 36 righteous ones in every generation, or the vedic scriptures that mention the 36 right orbits of the World Spirit twice every Great Year (Galactic Cycle-26000 years).

During these times of wonder, new Springs of Pure Information  bubble up into our Existence, paired-up with designated minds whose sacred duty is to keep them energized, their flow alive and strong.

This is such an occurrence, and I shall do my best to share what this Spring brought forward into our Reality for the past 25 years while I've been tending it. All it requires of the participating mind is nothing other than a state of openness and flexibility of thought.

So, hold on to your seat for you are about to embark on a journey like no other. There, New Knowledge shines apart from the mind crippling Old Knowledge that kept us glued to this tiny piece of Reality for too long, blinding Man into believing that there's nothing else "out there" except what we've been told.

In tot acest timp, lucruri miraculoase incep sa se intample, Izvoare de Informatie Pura isi fac aparitia peste tot, Re-Innoire si Re-Programare Genetica ia loc, iar Noi Orizonturi Spirituale prind definitie clara. Intr-un cuvant: Renasterea Existentei Umane.

Momentul Crucial este deasemenea cunoscut drept Efervescenta Destinului, fiind mentionat in multe Corpuri de Cunoastere obscure si de mult uitate precum "Scribum Danubianus" care spune: "In Efervescenta Destinului, 36 Noi Stalpi ai Lumii vor fi ridicati..."

Aceeasi 36 Stalpi ai Lumii sunt consemnati si in iudaismul mistic drept "Lamed-Vav-Tzadikhim", cei 36 de oameni drepti din fiecare generatie, sau in scripturile vedice drept "cele 36 de orbite drepte (righteous) facute de Spiritul Lumii de doua ori in fiecare An Mare (Ciclu Galactic-26000 de ani)".

 In aceste timpuri de poveste, noi Izvoare de Informatie Pura patrund prin suprafata Realitatii noastre, imperecheate cu minti umane desemnate a caror datorie sacra este de a le mentine energizate, cu curs puternic si viu.

Aceasta este o asemenea ocurenta, si voi incerca, pe cat posibil, sa impartasesc darurile de Cunoastere aduse in Realitatea noastra de acest izvor de-a lungul celor 25 de ani de cand am intrat in comuniune cu el. Tot ce se cere este o minte deschisa si flexibila.

Deci, tineti-va bine deoarece sunteti pe cale de a va imbarca intr-o calatorie unica.
In Departarile ce asteapta Mintea cu nerabdare, Noua Cunoastere straluceste aparte, lumina ei anihiland Vechea Cunoastere care ne-a intemnitat in aceasta minuscula bucatica de  Realitate mult peste limitele relevantei, orbindu-ne si facandu-ne sa credem ca nu exista nimic altceva "acolo, departe", in afara celor stiute.

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