Monday, June 20, 2016

Bits and "Keys"... set 20

Searching for a "Key"? Got an old one that you want "boosted", "polished"? Dig here... or simply ask for one... you might, soon, need it... :)

341   Where there is understanding (Agreeance) there's no conflict. Simple!

342   Dream any Dream that's beyond human abilities, at the same time intend the Moment of Next in the name of One other than the Overgrown Ego. 
Gift the Moment of Present to any One, your own included. 
As about our being within, end Its nightmarish Existence, the one we call Life Unaware. Give into IT and let IT feel the Light of Your Day. Release IT into your playground, for IT wants to play divine games, where other divine children play.

343                                                       Of Us

I took on the world in the Multitude of Ways, while Woman healed and nurtured, by now a completing part of a divine equation that will reverberate in Realms of New, Realms Pristine, Realms of true Dwelling. It is the way “IT” works!

344   Variations of the Absolute, One's Experiences, each of a specific formula.

345   One discovers the Lightness of Existence, while One other discovers the Magic of Being.

346   Lagging within the Moment that is our Divine Cell's childhood... over before it has begun... however, the unaware within Existence beg to differ.

347   Try Love in Truth, you might then discover a different Life, whose logic Love is.

348   Following our Divine Logic, we wake up to our surroundings. Our awareness centers upon what's in front of our eyes. We exist!

349   Sure there's Duality in God, the Kind One's better off not witnessing. 
ITs more or less significant Other...One of a different Logic, that God's been continously converting for Divine Reason… A Different Union, following a Logic of Difference.

350   In this Realm there is neither good nor bad, in Truth this is a Realm of Knowledge. No Good, no Bad...only To Know.

351   There's Light we feel and bask in, and there's Dark(hidden, as in unknown) Light that "feels" us.

352   When searching, it isn't what you think, rather the direction and depth of inquiry. Subject might prove of more or less worth. The act and direction of our intentional search is what truly matters.

353   In the Absolute, Intention is all it takes...thru Divine Cells we do the “processes”...that catch up in IT(Creator, God-the-all).

354   To deal in Eternity is to choose the Right Logic...and act upon it...rather fine tune your new optics accordingly.

355   Pair up your Imagination with Matter, create a point where Different Logics unite by means of a freshly discovered Point of Convergence... One’s Awakened Mind.

356   One put a Seed into the ground and told the World that the apples coming out of the apple tree He'd just seeded will be simply divine tasting. 
As the tree grew and the fruit ripened, everybody got to enjoy the divine cherries growing out of the tree that One seeded.

Then one says:

Asks one "Weren't we promised apples?"

357   To grow

Navigating efficiently thru Logics of a different nature, or simply put witnessing Logics of New, while taking Leaps of Imagination beyond Human Logic.

359   Take as much or as little of God as you need...there's plenty more.

360    No one is guarding no one. All shall suffer the consequences of their actions and no other One can interfere. The Laws of Man so dictate.

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