Friday, June 3, 2016

Reflections... Mind munchies, page 8

These are from "private reserve"(Scribe Thought),I dare you to read all of them... and if anything strikes a chord, let's talk about it.

When the world becomes important to you, you become unimportant to the world... and vice-versa.

Enlightenment will run into you while down here on this Earth.

To be nurtured the right things and grow the right way is to enhance your chance, but still no guarantee.

Wisdom is like  Light within the Man of Light. In order to be noticed it has to be brought out from the mind's recesses.

No contact!

Evolution was going well and dandy up until we developed a limbic region. From that point on we became artists and warriors of opinion and everything went to shit.

The sentient holds the chance.

Sometimes it seems that some of it is as valuable as the steam rising from the fresh cow pie laid on a pasture on a crisp autumn morning. Come back the following year when the cow pies will have turned into beautiful flowers.

In order to dine at the best restaurant in town you have to wear your suit. But in many cases it is the suit that wears you! Why is that?

In order to stop lying to the world you have to stop lying to yourself.

The more guaranties we seek the tighter we get bound.

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