Friday, June 24, 2016

Stories and Platitudes... page 13

As promised, here are the "Khymera Keys"... pick'em up while they're hot.

Dimensional Convergence

All "this" so we can shed a tear, have an orgasm, lovingly stroke a child’s head, represent the Tyrant, find our half so we can become whole, radiate, taste the Light, drink out of the muddy river, get drowned in mystery, believe, search and destroy, get dirty knees, purify, touch, caress, mingle under the Veil, play the Game, blink, worship inside, outside, or nowhere near the Roofless Temple?
To live?

The Object or rather the Subject of our affection

Ok! Should we call it Object of Affection or Subject of Affliction? 

So, we fell in love… we look at her/him from two different dimensions and feel it on multiple levels.

1. Human Mind perspective: I love all there is about this woman/man. She/he is all I ever wanted in a romantic relationship. She/he looks great, look at that ass, not to mention those magnificent eyes. As about his/her smile, nose and lips… exquisite!

Substrate: we take in whatever the other is exposing for grabs (ego working at its hardest). Same process happens on the other side of the relationship.

Time lapse: one year later. “This person’s habits have started getting on my nerves for the past eight months. How could I have been so blind?”

Explanation: despite of all there is to find in a person, (the so called Object of Affection) we were only able to consciously pick up and get fooled by the other’s Ego workings, hence the being in love foolery. Ego senses Ego and feeds on Ego’s "cosmetics".
When these cosmetics run out, what’s left is not a bunch of pleasant angles, but the Ego’s bag of “uglies”.
These uglies will kill everything within a relationship. Meanwhile the "tics" and "tacs" will do nothing but aggravate. So, it ends… bitterly!
The Object of Affection turns to Subject of Affliction.

2. Clear Mind perspective: energy mechanisms living outside Temporal radiation. These mechanisms start an energetical type caressing between the two. Lots and lots of it, each “energy caress” more satisfying than the previous.
At the same time the newly created energies combine with matter, giving us feelings. Outside Temporal Toxicity we simply are. Neither Object nor Subject, just subtle; hidden, way too sophisticated to be comprehended by the Human mind, creative, truly creative Energy Interaction.

3. A different kind of perspective: one went to the grocery store with a well defined grocery list. That’s it!
Morale: impulse buying makes the grocery list seem useless… it gets lost… for a while… forgotten on the bottom of the deep pocket that's full of worthless trinkets.

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